Why Are Scammers On Hangouts? And Whatsapp? Read And Stay Safe This Christmas.

What are scammers on Hangouts? And Whatsapp?

Most of the scammers are in hangout that’s why.you can find all scammers on different websites but hangouts are really the scammers first choice then WhatsApp but in my opinion and experience oil rig workers are on hangouts and military on WhatsApp So you get a choice either you want a military soldier you’ll find him on WhatsApp or a oil rig worker on hangouts, I wouldn’t choose either one they are all scammers on my book.And as for you be careful with all websites the holidays are right around the corner and you will find more scammers then ever.. Good luck

Basically, all of them!! If, after talking on fb, e.g. and they ask you to move to hangouts “because I am there mostly”….then they are scammers.

They are Various hackers are out there, what classifies them is what they do. We have white-hat hackers, black-hat hackers, grey hat hackers, script kiddies, blue hat hackers, and hacktivists. You could choose to be any, it’s a choice, and she does all actually, I was ignorant on a lot of things before meeting her, but fortunately for me she enlightened me and that’s not the case and informed me on Catfishing…
If you meet on Facebook wants to go to Hangouts or WhatsApp, is it a good sign that they might be a scammer?

Do scammers use internet Hangout site?
If you are on any social media sites you will be meeting this handsome man /girl who will be fallen in love with you recommend that you download Hangouts or watsupp social media sites so the two of you can learn more about each other. All lies as these scams are going on for over 12 years now please follow Scamhaters.united on Instagram or Facebook you will learn more about scammers on social media sites even on game sites. Watch socialcatfish on YouTube and get educated about romance scams warn your family and friends as we must make more awareness about scammers on social media sites.

How can I find out if the person I am talking to on Hangouts is not a scammer???

If you’re asking yourself that question, it is a scam. I was near scammed and just learned of it this afternoon. I say near, because I stopped short of buying a google play card and giving him the code on the back. But about a week ago I had someone follow me on Instagram (which I RARELY even check)…

If a person you meet on Facebook wants to go to Hangouts or WhatsApp, is it a good sign that they might be a scammer?

Yes and no. Yes if they insist from your meeting on FB early to move the conversation elsewhere. It may indicate that they have hacked into a FB account in order to message or communicate with you there. No because this is how some non scammers behave. They first learn enough of you on FB to feel comfortable enough.

   Hangout is like big stake for tricksters. Tricksters will hit you up from a dating site or other web-based media. They will then, at that point, inquire as to whether you use Hangouts or go to home bases. They will continue to purport their undevoted love for you, and afterward cash comes in the mind.

  No. There are many people that use all kinds of apps like this all over the world to keep in touch with friends, family, coworkers, employees and customers. They use it legally and without trying to cheat anyone. But, there will always be some people that do use it, or them, to commit crimes online.…

If a person has been talking on Hangouts for 6 months & hasn’t asked for money by now, does that mean he isn’t probably a scammer? Or could he be waiting until I would agree to meet with him

Why on hangouts did he ask you to go to hangouts. Scammers are known to groom their victims for longer than 6 months. I’ve posted below some links so you can check out the image being used. Just be careful and do your homework. Scammers use steam cards to sell they make a large amount of money from venerable people.

How do you spot Hangouts scammers

Okay most scammers are coming from other scammers,friend requests on any social app mostly public ones. But they use your friends friend list to be able to say they are friends with people you know .SO EVERYONE WANTS TO MAKE MORE FRIENDS .BE SAFE ASK THAT FRIEND IF THEY KNOW THAT PERSON USUALLY YOUR…

How do you look up pictures of scammers on Hangouts?
They will offer to buy you a new phone and ask you too open a new bank account. Please google or youtube scammers. You can
Google the pictures. Put their name and military scammers or whatever they are trying to be.

How can I find out if the person I am talking to on Hangouts is not a scammer?

If a person you meet on Facebook wants to go to Hangouts or WhatsApp, is it a good sign that they might be a scammer?

If a person has been talking on Hangouts for 6 months & hasn’t asked for money by now, does that mean he isn’t probably a scammer? Or could he be waiting until I would agree to meet with him?

Why do scammers want you to talk on Hangouts?

How do I catch a scammer on Hangouts? How do I know I am actually talking to the actual person and not a computer
Why do scammers ask for Hangouts? Ur for you too download whatsapp?? What can they possibly do and how can they cheat people just by giving Gmail?

They will use anything against you once you call them.out as a scammer saying you must comply with there demands or your photos or ID will be all over social media even beinging your children into it. They are LOW LIFES PLEASE STAY SAFE DONT BE THE FOOL… :((


What are scammers on Hangouts? And Whatsapp? Most of the scammers are in hangout that’s why.you can find all scammers on different websites but hangouts are really the scammers first choice then WhatsApp but in my opinion and experience oil rig workers are on hangouts and military on WhatsApp So you get a choice either…

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